
Laura Wallace is a Principal Researcher (postdoc) at Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. She completed her Ph.D. in social psychology at Ohio State University.

Laura’s research program integrates perspectives from the attitudes/persuasion, trust, intergroup relations, morality, and motivation literatures to provide theoretical and practical insights that help individuals, scholars, and practitioners understand how to effectively create change in their personal lives, organizations, and society.

Her research has been published in top scientific outlets (PNAS, JPSP, JEP:G), awarded competitive funding (NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, OSU Presidential Fellowship) and honors (SESP Dissertation Award Finalist, SPSP Outstanding Research Award, IACM Outstanding Conference Paper Award), and has garnered substantial media attention (e.g., Chicago Booth Review, The Times, Newsweek, New York Post, US News). 

Navigate this website to learn more or feel free to get in touch: laura.wallace[at]chicagobooth.edu